Chilliwack Office Locations

We have 2 office locations in Chilliwack, BC.
Please be sure to check the location for your appointment.

1. Greendale MB Church - 6550 Sumas Prairie Rd.

Office Location For: Lisa De Vries & Jelisa Penner

Greendale MB Church

Entrance instructions: When you arrive at the church, please enter via the ground level glass doors. Have a seat on the chairs outside the main office and your counsellor will greet you at your scheduled appointment time. If your appointment is in the evening, the glass doors may be locked. Just wait by the doors and your counsellor will meet you there.

2. Broadway MB Church, 46611 Maple Ave.

Office Location for: Carson Vogt

Broadway MB Church

Entrance instructions: When you arrive at the church, go to the north entrance off the gravel parking lot. This door will be locked, so pease text your therapist to let him know you have arrived. He will meet you at the door at your appointment time.